Educational applications, tools or platforms are a great way to complement traditional classroom learning, providing both resources and digital content for pupils and students, as well as virtual spaces for carrying out various educational activities. These apps, tools and platforms often include features such as interactive content, quizzes and games, virtual tutoring and mentoring and combinations thereof – personalized learning paths. They can be used to help students learn content, develop skills, build attitudes – from math and sciences (STEM) to arts and social sciences. In addition, many of these applications, tools and platforms include reporting and (comparative) analysis functions, which allow teachers to monitor students’ progress and to measure the effectiveness of educational interventions.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of educational solutions developed in Romania and/or mostly used in Romania.
Pentru activități de învățare la distanță (pentru profesori și elevii lor)

DigitalEdu – open educational resources — A comprehensive database with open educational resources created by teachers, organised by subjects and school levels. All existing educational content was validated by experts in education. The portal has descriptions and links to over 7200 de quizzes, tests, digital worksheets, educational games, interactive videos and simulations.
(updated: 09.01.2023)

Ideas and resources for projects (in Romanian):
A short presentation of eTwinning (in Romanian): eTw_prezentare_proiecte.pptx.
(updated: 09.01.2023)

It has the video-conference mode (Zoom) integrated with the class timetable, but also a grading catalog with the possibility of assigning and marking homework to students. Students can only register with a unique code provided by the teacher (they do not need email addresses).
Tutorials in Romanian :
(updated: 21.09.2020)

(updated: 05.05.2020)

Școala Intuitext — It contains animations, experiments, educational games and tests adapted for the primary cycle. Access is free for teachers and students. Parents have access to a report section where they can track their child’s progress.
(updated: 21.05.2020)

Teachers and students can enrol for a paid subscription (30 euro).
(updated: 2.05.2020)

Eduboom — It offers more than 1,200 video lessons and more than 800 tests in Mathematics and Romanian Language and Literature for students in grades V-XII. All lessons and tests follow the Romanian school curriculum.
In Bulgaria, Eduboom is used in over 70% of schools and has over 1 million users. Currently, Eduboom operates in Bulgaria, Romania, Spain and Italy.
(updated: 23.07.2021)

Edus — Este o platforma românească de management educațional, care oferă acces la o multitudine de funcționalități, de la catalogul școlar electronic la rapoarte de activitate, teme și teste, librărie de materiale și platformă video securizată. (17.03.2022)

ASQ — Este o platformă pentru „self-learning”, cu conținut educațional și teste create de utilizatori (majoritatea, cadre didactice). Este o soluție bună pentru lecții create rapid. Itemii de evaluare creați de utilizatori pot fi utilizați de către elevi pentru diverse parcursuri de testare. (17.03.2022)
Pedagogical suport for teachers

iTeach — a platform for continuous professional development for teachers. It has free online courses, educational journals, publishing tools for articles, news and resources, and professional portfolios for teachers. The description fo the courses is available here: eduVox: Cursuri online gratuite pentru cadre didactice.

DigitalEdu – ideas for digital education — DigitalEdu platform has a special section with over 1500 ideas for digital learning activities, organised by: curricular area, subject, level, type of activity, digital tool. They are created by teachers and students teachers, after the completion of a specialised course on digital pedagogy. All resources are reviewed, filtered and validated by specialists in education sciences.

DigitalEdu – examples of activities for distance education — The lesson plans are published as examples for teachers, to support distance education in COVID-19 period. They are built within a collaborative effort by participants in the Ministry of Education’s project CRED.

Cursuri-online: MOOCs — The page contains a selection of the best elearning platforms with free online courses offered by universities and prestigious educational institutions. Most courses are in English and cover areas such as communication, psychology, arts, mathematics and science, engineering, economics, management – for personal and professional development.
Each platform requires an account to enroll to the courses offered. Self-paced courses are available immediately. Online courses with tutorial support are available for enrollment two to three times a year and last on average 4-5 weeks. Sometimes a fee is required for the final certificate.
Other Romanian platforms and products for digital education

Muzee cu tur virtual — Contains an updated list of all museums in Romania with virtual tour and panoramic images, as well as a list of museums with 3D digitized mobile cultural heritage. It is a portal managed by the National Heritage Institute – Ministry of Culture.

Hypersay — It is a tool for interactive video conferencing. You can share visual presentations, you can stream video and, above all, you can share (integrated) quizzes to which participants answer and the results are available in real time. For 10-200 participants, the license is $3.99 per session or $9.99 per month. It is a Learn Forward product.

Tactile Images — A study solution for the blind and partially sighted. Modern technologies such as Interactive Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence are the basis of this study solution, based on touch boards. The platform allows stakeholders (parents, teachers, volunteers) to create personalized content for the blind people.

History Lapse — Informative supporting elements for the study of national and universal history. It consists of a (limited) suite of Sway-style presentations of important moments in history, developed by a team of specialists in history and pedagogy.

Seterra — An educational game consisting of a suite of high difficulty geography trivia tests about countries, capitals, oceans, flags and cities. (4.05.2020)

Toporopa — Trivia games for the Geography of Europe.
* A more complete list of Romanian educational platforms is avalable on Apps, tools and educational platforms
** The full list of apps and tools used in Romania is available here: Examples of educational apps and open educational resources used in Romania
For more info: (Institute for Education, România)