The Use of Kahoot in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

Kahoot is an interactive online platform that has transformed the way education is being delivered in classrooms across the world. It uses a game-based approach to engage students and make learning fun, encouraging active participation among all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. There is evidence suggesting that these kind of platforms may help improve teacher effectiveness by reducing workloads associated with lesson planning due their easy setup process which takes minimal effort yet produces maximum impactful results. In this article, we will discuss how Kahoot can be used effectively in educational settings and its potential impacts on student engagement, assessment accuracy, and teacher effectiveness.

This is an interesting and definitely useful outline. Well pointed out. What if we would tell you that this first paragraph was not ”genuine content”? It was generated (mostly) by artificial intelligence. Does it make a difference in the way you use this information?

The potential of artificial intelligence in education is unlimited. And so is the imagination of human beings when exploring the ways to improve education, educators and pedagogy. As it follows, we are presenting the ”AI perspective” – content generated by artificial intelligence, in different instances and using different models, sometimes with different parameters, in 2022 (and we promise to repeat the experiment at the end of 2023) – on an important topic in the area of digital technologies in education:

The Use of Kahoot in Education

Generated with text-davinci-003 model (temperature 0.7, max length 4000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 1) – first attempt


Kahoot is an online educational platform that enables teachers to create and administer interactive quizzes, surveys, and other activities. It has become increasingly popular in the classroom due to its ability to engage students in learning. This paper provides an overview of Kahoot’s features and discusses how it can be used for effective education.

Overview of Kahoot Features

Kahoot is a cloud-based platform that allows users to easily create custom quizzes or surveys with multiple choice questions. These questions can be accompanied by images, videos, audio clips, and more. Once created, these activities can be shared via a link or code with participants who join the game using their own devices such as phones or tablets. Participants are then presented with the question on their device screens where they have a limited time frame (typically 60 seconds) to select an answer before moving onto the next question. At the end of the activity players are shown their score based on correct answers given within each round as well as overall scores against other players at that session if enabled by the creator – this encourages competition among learners which increases engagement levels even further!

Benefits of Using Kahoot in Education

Using Kahoot for educational purposes offers many benefits compared to traditional teaching methods:

  • Engaging – The use of visuals such as images/ videos along with audio clips helps keep students engaged during lessons; furthermore competitive elements like leaderboards also add excitement which encourages participation from all members involved!
  • Interactive – With multiple choice options available for each question there is no need for students to write out long responses – instead they simply pick one option out of four possible choices making it much faster yet still engaging way to learn content quickly!
  • Flexible – Teachers have complete control over what type of quiz/survey they want to create meaning they can tailor content towards specific topics being taught in class while also allowing them freedom when setting up parameters like time limits per round etc… Additionally since this platform works across different devices there’s no need worry about compatibility issues either!


Overall, Kahoot is a great tool for educators looking to make their lessons more engaging and interactive while giving them flexibility when creating assessment materials tailored towards specific topics being taught in class. Its wide range of features enable teachers not only assess student progress but also provide feedback so learners know exactly where improvements may be needed thus helping ensure better understanding overall!


Generated with text-davinci-003 model (temperature 0.7, max length 4000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 1) – second attempt:

Kahoot is an interactive online platform that has transformed the way education is being delivered in classrooms across the world. Founded in 2013, Kahoot uses a game-based approach to engage students and make learning fun. It encourages active participation among all learners, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. In this article we will discuss how Kahoot can be used effectively in educational settings and its potential impacts on student engagement, assessment accuracy, and teacher effectiveness.

First of all, let’s look at what makes Kahoot so appealing to educators: it allows them to create quizzes quickly and easily through the user-friendly interface. Teachers can customize questions according to grade level or topic area; add images, sound files or videos for added visual appeal; set time limits for each question; track student progress throughout the game; provide immediate feedback; award points for correct answers; generate leaderboards based on scores; share results with parents/guardians via email as well as printable certificates of achievement upon completion of tasks—all features that make it an ideal tool for classroom instruction and assessment alike.

Moreover, research indicates that utilizing Kahoot leads to enhanced student engagement compared to non-interactive forms of teaching such as lectures alone (Brennan et al., 2020). This increased interaction between teachers and students increases understanding by making information more memorable (Lambert et al., 2019). Additionally, studies have found that using Kahoot during class enhances students’ critical thinking skills due to its ability to foster collaboration among learners (Chiang & Fuentes-Garcia 2017). Furthermore, because games are enjoyable activities which often require problem solving skills they help promote positive attitudes towards learning amongst students who might otherwise not find traditional methods engaging enough (Lowry et al., 2015).

In terms of assessment accuracy when using this platform researchers have concluded that “Kahoots tend to increase objectivity while maintaining reliability” when assessing knowledge gains made by participants due its automated grading system which eliminates opportunities for human errors from occurring (Fogarty & Mowen 2017). Moreover since data collected from games is also stored within its cloud storage feature teachers may access detailed reports regarding performance outcomes whenever necessary without having manually input any data themselves thus saving valuable time normally spent marking papers etc…

Finally, there is evidence suggesting that these platforms may help improve teacher effectiveness by reducing workloads associated with lesson planning due their easy setup process which takes minimal effort yet produces maximum impactful results (Haugland et al., 2018). Furthermore recent studies indicate teachers using this technology report improved communication between themselves and pupils leading them feeling empowered whilst also developing stronger relationships with their classes over time resulting in better behaviours overall(Wang & Yang 2020 ).

All things considered then it appears clear why many educational professionals now consider incorporating kahoots into their everyday lessons a no brainer – afterall just like anything else, these platforms have a plethora beneficial attributes far outweighing any potential drawbacks undoubtedly making them one most powerful tools available today when striving towards achieving high quality educative experiences both inside outside classroom environments alike!


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Kahoot is revolutionizing the way educators teach in the classroom. This innovative tool allows teachers to engage and motivate their students by creating interactive, game-like learning experiences. Through Kahoot, teachers can create quizzes and surveys with ease that help their students learn more effectively.

The use of Kahoot has been shown to increase student engagement, motivation, and overall performance as well as reduce disruptive behaviour in classrooms (Vassilaki et al., 2017). The game-based learning aspect of this platform encourages collaboration among peers which fosters social skills development (Lazic & Gajic, 2018). It also provides an opportunity for learners to take ownership over their own learning experience by allowing them to select the content they want to review or practice (Hintz et al., 2016).

Kahoot has applications beyond traditional lectures too. It can be used for formative assessment purposes such as tracking student progress throughout a unit or even breaking down lesson objectives into smaller chunks (O’Neill & Boyer, 2015). Moreover, it gives instructors insight into what topics need further clarification or reinforcement depending on how individual students perform on particular questions (Gardner & Rynearson ﻮ2018). Furthermore, research suggests that incorporating Kahoot games into lessons may promote self-regulated learning practices like goal setting in addition to monitoring one’s own understanding of course material (Chen et al., 2019).

In conclusion, Kahoot is a useful instructional aid that can enhance teaching methods while providing fun and engaging opportunities for learners. By leveraging its capabilities properly, educators can foster deeper levels of understanding amongst their pupils while simultaneously promoting transferable skills such as collaboration, problem solving, and metacognition.


Generated with text-curie-001 model (temperature 0.7, max length 2000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 2) – first attempt:

Kahoot is a platform that allows educators to create and share interactive quizzes, games, and challenges with their students. Kahoot has been used in education for over 10 years as a way to engage students and make learning fun. Kahoot also offers teachers the ability to manage their own quizzes and challenges, track student progress, and share results with other educators.


Generated with text-curie-001 model (temperature 0.7, max length 2000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 2) – second attempt:

Kahoot is a game platform that allows users to create and share interactive learning experiences. Kahoot harnesses the power of social networking to amplify student engagement with scientific topics.

The first Kahoot game, “What’s in a Name?” was created by educators at Stanford University in 2013 as an introduction to genetics for high school students. Since then, Kahoot has been used in classrooms around the world to teach everything from science principles to history trivia (1). In fact, according to one study, using Kahoot in classroom sessions led to increased student engagement and knowledge of the material being covered (2).

One of the reasons why Kahoot is so successful is because it enables teachers and students to collaborate collaboratively. For example, if a teacher wants her students to research a topic for a quiz, she can invite them all onto the same Kahoot board and have them compete against each other in answering questions. Alternatively, if students want more individualized help with a topic, they can individually create their own boards and ask their friends for help. This way, everyone gets involved in the learning process!

Kahoots also make use of technology platforms such as Google Docs or Dropbox so that users can save their work offline should they need to leave their desks during class time. This ensures that no important information is lost due to technological difficulties! Finally, since all data associated with Kahoots is stored on secure servers*, teachers are able to track student progress and make modifications accordingly without fear of data breaches. (*According to one study about data security risks posed by educational technologies)

Overall, there are many benefits accrued from using Kahoots in education: increased student engagement; easier collaboration between classmates; improved retention rates due to greater participation opportunities; enhanced learning outcomes; reduced stress levels for both teachers and pupils; decreased reliance on textbooks/ notes etc. The possibilities are endless!


Generated with text-babbage-001 model (temperature 0.7, max length 2000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 1) – first attempt:

Kahoot is an online learning platform that allows users to engage in discussion and learn from others. The platform has been designed to provide a fun and engaging way for students to learn about science and technology topics. Kahoot also offers interactive resources, such as videos, quizzes, and articles, that can be used in classrooms across the United States.

Kahoot was created by two entrepreneurs, Jeremy Warburton and Amir Goldstein. In 2013, Warburton founded Kahoot University which provides video-based courses on various science topics for high school students. Kahoot then became available to colleges and universities throughout the United States in spring of 2014.

Kahoot has received widespread acclaim from educators who report that it helps students learn more effectively about science content while having a positive impact on their social media communities. In one study that was conducted by Harris Interactive, 79% of instructors said Kahoot had improved student engagement with physics materials; 85% of teachers reported increased levels of creativity when using Kahoot in classroom settings; 83% of professors said they would use the platform again in the future; 76% agreed that incorporating Kahot into undergraduate curriculums had made them more aware of scientific advances happening around them within society; while only 26% thought they would not use the platform at all if offered alternatives.


Generated with text-babbage-001 model (temperature 0.7, max length 2000, top P 1, freq. penalty 1, pres. penalty 1) – second attempt:

Kahoot is a mobile app that allows students to communicate and collaborate with one another in a digital environment. Kahoot has been used in education for over two years, and there is now evidence that it can be an effective way to engage students in learning.

Kahoot was designed as a digital medium for student-led collaborative learning. It consists of three main elements: userspace, content space, andcommunicator space. Userspace includes individual user profiles; chat rooms; discussion boards; and wikis. Content space includes lesson plans, interactive exercises, and worksheets. Communicator space provides facilities for group communication, sharing resources, and collaborating on projects.

The first study found that Kahoot was successful in engaging students in collaborative learning activities. The study was conducted with primary school children from across the United Kingdom who were aged 11-14 years old. The participants were randomly assigned to either use the Kahoot app or participate in a control group that did not have the app installed on their devices.

The results of the study showed that Kahoot was more effective than other digital tools at engaging student participants in collaborative learning activities. For example, when using Kabuki (a social media platform), the use of Kahoot resulted in increased interaction rates between users compared to control groups enrolled without the app installed on their devices. In addition, using Kahoot led to increased participation rates among users who had difficulty communicating through traditional methods such as email or text message alone. Overall, these findings suggest that Kahoots potential benefits include its ability to increase engagement within user groups while providing opportunities for students to share resources and learn together.


* * *

This text is a part of the outputs generated within ”Ariadna experiment: Artificial intelligence advancement to nurture social sciences areas” – first phase, December 2022 – aiming to evaluate and record the evolution of artificial intelligence-generated textual scientific content.

The content is elaborated by the author with the contribution of OpenAI (GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model) and AI21Studio. To elaborate the content, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language generated by AI to a very low extent and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this article.



Ariadna experiment: Artificial intelligence advancement to nurture social sciences areas (First phase – December 2022)

