open educational resources

  • Omologarea resurselor educaționale deschise

    Cadrele didactice care au creat resurse educaționale în format digital pot solicita inspectoratului școlar omologarea acestora, indiferent dacă le-au înscris sau nu și pe platforma națională, secțiunea Resurse educaționale deschise. Acestea se supun procesului de evaluare, verificare, control al calității și, după caz, publicare, la nivelul inspectoratelor școlare județene/ Inspectoratului Școlar al Municipiului București,…

  • The Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) (Ariadna Experiment)

    Open Educational Resources (OERs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as an effective way to provide access to educational materials for students. OERs are any type of educational material, such as textbooks, lecture notes, tutorials and exercises, which can be accessed and used freely by anyone. One of the benefits of OER is that they…

  • The Use of Powerpoint in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    Powerpoint has become an integral part of the education system, and its use in classrooms is widespread. Powerpoint allows teachers to easily create engaging presentations by incorporating visuals such as images, diagrams, slideshows, videos and animations into their lesson plans (1). It can be used to present information in a more organized and visually appealing…

  • Interactive videos: TED-Ed for Teaching and Learning (Ariadna Experiment)

    Interactive video technology has recently gained considerable traction in the academic and educational world. Interactive videos, such as those found on TED-Ed, are powerful tools for teaching and learning that can engage students more deeply than traditional methods of instruction. They allow viewers to actively participate in their viewing experience by providing embedded questions or…

  • Edpuzzle Platform for Interactive Video Lessons (Ariadna Experiment)

    Edpuzzle is an online platform that allows teachers to turn any existing video into an interactive lesson. It provides an innovative way for educators everywhere deliver interactive multimedia courses allowing more control over how content is consumed increasing overall learner engagement achieving better results. Edpuzzle provides educators with the opportunity to customize each lesson by inserting…

  • Using Voki in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    Voki is an interactive education tool that provides teachers and students with a fun, creative way to learn. Voki allows users to create personalized avatars that can be used in educational activities or presentations. With the help of Voki, teachers can easily communicate concepts and ideas, engage their students in the learning process, and assess…

  • The Use of Learningapps in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    The concept behind Learningapps is simple: by creating digital lessons, teachers are able to provide their students with access to more comprehensive instruction than traditional textbooks may offer. The platform also allows instructors to customize the material according to their own preferences or those of their class members. This is an interesting and definitely useful…

  • The Use of Genially in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    Genially is an online platform that has gained popularity over the last few years due to its ability to create interactive and engaging content for classrooms, webinars, presentations, and more. The platform offers a variety of features including templates, animation tools, collaboration capabilities, and robust analytics to measure engagement. Geniality has proven itself capable at…

  • Digitalization in Higher Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    The world is rapidly becoming more digitally-driven. As a result, higher education has to adapt to this shift in order to stay competitive and to fulfil its mission. Digitalization of higher education has been ongoing for decades now, with institutions using technology and digital resources such as online learning platforms, massive open online courses (MOOCs),…

  • Digitalization of Educational Content (Ariadna Experiment)

    Digitalization of educational content is a modern concept that has revolutionized the way teachers share and manage information. By creating digital versions of traditional teaching materials, educators are now able to more effectively present their lessons to students in an engaging, interactive manner. Digitalized content can be accessed anywhere and anytime, making it easier for…