Olimpius Istrate

  • Digitalizarea în învățământul superior (Experimentul Ariadna)

    Digitalizarea în învățământul superior este un fenomen din ce în ce mai popular, pe măsură ce tehnologia a devenit mai avansată și mai accesibilă. De digitalizare pot beneficia atât studenții, cât și profesorii, oferind un mijloc convenabil de comunicare, stocare a datelor, colaborare și material de învățare. De asemenea, poate spori motivația și implicarea elevilor…

  • Digitalizarea conținutului educațional (Experimentul Ariadna)

    Digitalizarea conținutului educațional este un concept modern care a revoluționat modul în care profesorii partajează și gestionează informațiile. Prin crearea versiunilor digitale ale materialelor didactice tradiționale, educatorii sunt acum capabili să-și prezinte lecțiile în mod mai eficient studenților într-o manieră captivantă și interactivă. Acest articol va aduce în discuție diferitele beneficii asociate digitalizării materialelor didactice…

  • Competențe digitale pentru cadre didactice (Experimentul Ariadna)

    În era digitală, se așteaptă din ce în ce mai mult ca profesorii să posede competențe digitale pentru a sprijini eficient învățarea elevilor. Competența digitală se referă la capacitatea indivizilor de a utiliza și gestiona tehnologiile digitale pentru sarcini de zi cu zi, cum ar fi comunicarea, gestionarea informațiilor, rezolvarea problemelor și colaborarea. În această…

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    AI is a rapidly emerging technology with great potential to revolutionize the educational system. AI-enabled platforms can provide personalized instruction, automated grading, and data-driven decision making, all of which can lead to improved student engagement, increased access to personalized instruction, and improved decision-making. However, there are also challenges associated with the use of AI in…

  • The Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) (Ariadna Experiment)

    Open Educational Resources (OERs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as an effective way to provide access to educational materials for students. OERs are any type of educational material, such as textbooks, lecture notes, tutorials and exercises, which can be accessed and used freely by anyone. One of the benefits of OER is that they…

  • Students’ Wellbeing in Virtual Learning Environments (Ariadna Experiment)

    The shift towards digital classrooms necessitates careful consideration being given towards student wellbeing. There is growing concern about the wellbeing of students in virtual learning environments, as these environments can have a significant impact on student mental health and well-being. Virtual learning environments are often viewed as a preferable alternative to traditional face-to-face teaching, as they…

  • Digital Technologies in Higher Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    Recent advancements in technology have given rise to the integration of digital technologies into higher education institutions around the world. Digital technologies, such as online learning platforms and virtual classrooms, offer a range of benefits for both educators and students. The use of digital technologies within higher education has been found to improve student engagement…

  • Digitalization in Higher Education (Ariadna Experiment)

    The world is rapidly becoming more digitally-driven. As a result, higher education has to adapt to this shift in order to stay competitive and to fulfil its mission. Digitalization of higher education has been ongoing for decades now, with institutions using technology and digital resources such as online learning platforms, massive open online courses (MOOCs),…

  • Digitalization of Educational Content (Ariadna Experiment)

    Digitalization of educational content is a modern concept that has revolutionized the way teachers share and manage information. By creating digital versions of traditional teaching materials, educators are now able to more effectively present their lessons to students in an engaging, interactive manner. Digitalized content can be accessed anywhere and anytime, making it easier for…

  • Digital Competences for Teachers (Ariadna Experiment)

    In the digital age, teachers are increasingly expected to possess digital competences in order to effectively support their students’ learning. Digital competence refers to the ability of individuals to use and manage digital technologies for everyday tasks, such as communication, information management, problem solving and collaboration. The proliferation of technology has changed the way people learn…